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Will You Write Your Book in 2018?

Have you been mulling around a book idea in your head but have never written it down?

Are you wondering if 2018 is the right time to start writing your book?

Let’s face it, writing a book is work, but when you understand the process, it’s not hard work.

Like most worthwhile endeavors, it just requires commitment, focus and time.

As this year winds down, you may be thinking that 2018 will finally be the right time to start and finish writing your book. By then, everything that you have going on will be under control and you’ll be ready…

I’m sorry to tell you that unless you make a firm decision to follow your dreams, it still won't get done despite your best intentions. Even if you magically have the time and space needed, excuses will show up somewhere along the way:

You'll get a promotion at work.

Your family willl need you.

Life will keep showing up.

Without a solid commitment and game plan, these excuses will continue to delay your plans to write a book.

Before you begin, you'll have to decide that you're all in or not.

But you've been waiting until...

You don’t need any more experience or information before you begin writing your book. All you need is a system for getting it done and I can provide that.

The Get Your Book Done program can provide you with the direction, accountability and writing support.

I will help you build your confidence to clarify and communicate powerfully.

First, we’ll start with grounding your book in purpose. Purpose will get you to the finish line.

If your book is not grounded in purpose, excuses will win every single time.

The world doesn't need another unfinished manuscript.

It needs your published book that is filled with well-crafted, original ideas. The world needs more books that provide readers with clear direction, useful information and powerful inspiration that moves them forward in life.

2017 is almost over, 2018 planning begins now. Prepare to get off the fence and take action to get your book done in 2018.

Thinking about it and taking action are two vastly different worlds. In thinking about it world, you get to stall and live in the land of excuses. In action world, you learn, apply what you learn, make mistakes and then correct them.

In action world of writing a book, you even have the option of having partners to help you move forward and reach your goal of getting it done.

Let's have a conversation and determine the best strategy to get your book done in 2018.

Email me by clicking here for more information.

Alicia N. Ingram is a ghostwriter and book editor that helps aspiring authors start and finish their books. To receive more free information, inspiration and "The 5 Tips For Finally Getting Your Book Done" checklist, click here to sign up for the mailing list..

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